Sunday, December 03, 2006

My New Job

I've been meaning to come on here and post about my new job. I really love it and it fits me wonderfully. I've been playing out a bit, mostly with Derrick Acker a wonderful musician and singer.
We had a great time playing the Durham 3 show at Joe & Jo's and little did we know that was one of the last shows they would have. Joanne sold the pub and it will be a whole other place soon. I wish Joanne loads of luck with her new adventures and I thank her for creating such a wonderful place.

Here's a commercial we did a few years ago for our friend's record store Safe As Milk Records. It features The Illbotz, Sequoya, and Ksine with music by Shakespace.

Monday, October 30, 2006

The Durham 3

Sequoya is proud to be performing with The Durham 3 on Saturday November 11th At Joe & Jo's.
The line up will include, film maker Todd Tinkham, poet Laura Jent, and musician Calloused Hands.

Follow this link to the Durham 3's Manifesto.

Saturday, September 16, 2006


I've been watching a lot of youtube lately. It's pretty interesting to see how unafraid people are to share their lives.
I used to think that youtube was where you went to see Britney Spears cry and last night's American Idol performances. This only interests me in the context of Michael K's blog Dlisted "he's so funny". I found a program that easily edits videos and now I'm a part of the whole "youtube" thing. Anyway here is a video I made last night.

The Cosmonaut's Wife

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Tether Ball

on letting go
I don't remember who I used to be
so it doesn't get in the way of anything
I can't waste my time on worrying
because it takes everything
just to be set free
You can't change a letter
that has already been sent
and all of your dreams
just wait for movement
so I threw up the ball
to determine my place
but we were spinning so fast
that it just flew away
and I realized that
I should have tied it with string
but I'd have to cut it eventually
because it would pull so tight
until it came back around
and hit me so hard
that I fell to the ground